Please see below our April 2019 Financial Update:
1) April 2019 Financials
We have had a very busy month in the life of our church! Together we have celebrated our first Holy Week as a church, gone on our first camping trip and volunteered at Gear-Up for Autism! Through all this activity, we are encouraged to see that our revenue has again exceeded our projections, allowing us to continue growing and increasing our generosity to those around us.
· Revenue: $6,694.64 (projected $6,000)
· Average Donation: $239
· Min: $18
· Max: $1,200
· # of Giving Units: 28 (+2 from last month)
Click HERE to view our monthly financial documents on Google Drive!
2) Mission Fund (previously Mercy Fund)
For the month of April, our Mission Fund of $3,720 went to two different needs in our community:
· Person A received $338.35 to pay for groceries and two months of cell phone bills after they were let go from their job. Our Missional Community group is actively involved with this family and will continue to help in their job search.
· $3,300 went to the Bosch family to help alleviate the burden of medical bills for their newborn, Olivia, who was born with a rare heart condition that required surgery. We were also able to visit the family while they were in the hospital and deliver meals. We will continue to follow up with the Bosch family and update everyone on Olivia’s recovery.
· The remaining ~$82 will be rolled over to our Mission Fund for the month of May.
For the month of May, we have about $3,429 available in our Mission Fund (which is 50% of our April revenue above plus the $82 left from March).
We thank you again for supporting this church and extending us your trust in managing the resources God has blessed us with.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
- The Finance Team