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March 2020 Financials

The Finance Team

Updated: May 25, 2020


Please see below our March 2020 financial update.

1) March 2020 Financials

Revenue for the month of March was $7,242 (-$199 YoY*), which is very encouraging in light of COVID-19 and our anticipated drop in revenue. We will continue to budget very conservatively over the next few months in case there is a significant change.

Some giving statistics:

  • Revenue: $7,242

  • Average donation: $250

  • # of Giving Units: 29

  • Min: $25

  • Max: $1,000

Click HERE to view our monthly financial documents on Google Drive!

YoY stands for “Year-over-Year”, which is used to compare how we did this month with last year. In this case, for example, we had $199 less revenue in March 2020 than we did in March 2019.

2) Mission Fund

Despite the difficult circumstances we currently find ourselves in due to COVID-19, it is amazing to see our church family come together now more than ever. This month we have heard great stories at how we are meeting each other’s needs and the needs of others using our time, talents and treasures. As we’ve said before, the Mission Fund is only one of the many vehicles at our disposal to serve our neighborhood. This means that there are many instances where we use our own resources towards mission instead of the Mission Fund. Nevertheless, we know it is here if we need it!

During the month of March, we had the following Mission Fund expenses:

  • Committed $400 to Person A to help pay for travel arrangements due to a sudden death in the family;

  • Committed $300 for counselling to Person B;

  • Committed $300 for counselling to Person C;

  • Paid $300 for counselling to Person D.

Due to lower monthly expenses for the month, we had some additional funds that were left unused in the budget. As a result, we added some of those funds to the Mission Fund, along with the $3,621 from our March revenue.


We hope everyone is safe, healthy and practicing necessary social-distancing to protect yourselves and those around you. However, we also want to encourage everyone to stay connected with each other and our God through the means we still have available, which includes virtual missional community groups, email and social media.

If anyone needs anything at all, please contact us or your Missional Community leader.

Take care,

The Finance Team


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